
Day Trade OUR Money and Keep 50-80% of Profits!

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Learn to Day Trade​

It all starts with our demo trial. For a limited time, get 30 days of trading for just 10 dollars.


Master Day Trading

Trade your own money or become eligible to access one of our corporate-funded accounts.


Day Trade Our Funds

Pocket 50-80% of corporate account profits, dependent on performance/program level.

What makes us different?

Unlike the majority of day trading companies, we are willing to invest in YOU. We know what you’re capable of, and are supremely confident in our ability to help you reach your financial goals.

Hundreds of traders from all walks of life have completed our system of education…

You can be next. We’ll put money on it.
Everyone has time commitments that can make earning extra income difficult. We know the anxiety that comes from not being the one in control of your financial future. We also know how much the all around quality of life increases when financial worries are left behind.

With our proprietary indicators, personalized coaching and innovative online education, you’ll learn a quick, flexible way to reach financial goals by day trading our money and keeping up to 80% of the profits.

You can reach your financial goals. We can help.

Do we really let you trade our money?

Watch the video to learn more about program structure, time requirements, pricing details,
trade examples & more!

Our day trading indicators track many factors in the market so that you can decide the best time to place your trades.

Watch us use them to make two profitable trades in less than five minutes:
Learn how to trade like we do:

Life is too short to
worry about money.

Shouldn’t YOU determine the value of your time?

Take control of HOW and WHEN you earn income!

Anybody can learn to day trade!

We’ve helped people just like you reach their financial goals by day trading our money.

Have a Question?
Contact Us

Anybody can learn to day trade!

We’ve helped people just like you reach their financial goals by day trading our money.

Have a Question?
Contact Us

Day trading offers everyone a flexible way to earn or supplement their current income

Lacking previous day trading experience?

True beginners to experienced investors, our program welcomes all.

Not sure you have the time to day trade?

Our traders can earn income trading as little as one hour each day.

Don't know if it's right for your financial situation?

Our program helps you reach your own version of financial freedom.

Is day trading a practical source of income for
you or your business?

Whether you want to day trade for a living or just on your lunch breaks, we can teach you how to earn the amount that YOU want.
Some of our traders do this for a living, so it’s not rare to see them spending more time each day creating wealth. However, many of our traders spend between one and two hours per day making trades.
Looking to retire but not sure if it’s financially possible? Want to follow your passion for traveling, but can’t quit your day job? Want to spend time with your family and make a living at the same time? We can help.

Membership benefits include...

Personalized Coaching

Our trained, experienced day trading coaches will be there to help you the entire way.

Indicator Access

We spent years perfecting our algorithms to ensure maximum accuracy and efficiency.

Phone/Email Support

Our customer service staff is waiting for your call.

Ongoing Education

Enjoy full access to our training library, recorded webinars & more!

Trading Webinars

Tune in regularly as we go through the week's trades with our coaching staff.

Trader Chat App

See what coaches and other traders are thinking in real time with our Trader Chat App.

... and much more!

Get In Touch

Submit the form below to have one of our trade coaches reach out to answer any questions and/or address any concerns.

© 2013 – 2021. Foreign exchange, futures and cryptocurrency trading are highly risky, and you can lose all the money you invest should you decide to engage in live trading. We are not responsible for your investment, trading or tax decisions. We are not licensed financial advisors, traders, accountants, stockbrokers or attorneys. We are not licensed commodities brokers, and do not engage in or facilitate commodities transactions. We are not an introducing broker, and we make no recommendation as to where you should invest or what broker you should trade with. As you apply what you learn, we recommend that you seek advice from licensed professionals. Any trade results that we show should not be considered typical of our students. We do not (and cannot) track the results or performance of our students’ private trading accounts. We do not know what a typical or average student earns or loses trading. This is not a get-rich-quick program, guaranteed system or business opportunity. We sell training and trading tools. We made no promises our training and tools will generate future income for students, and you may not make your investment back (including your investment in this training). Any redistribution or recording of this material is strictly prohibited without advanced written permission.

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© 2022 Currency Trade System